1. Our dogs and puppies are fed TLC Pet Pro Food and Four Strong Paws. We will provide you with a coupon code for a discount on your first order to help you get started! We will advise you on which brand to order prior to bringing your puppy home! Both brands are highly recommended and will be delivered straight to your door! We suggest feeding your puppy 2-3 times a day and taking the food away after 15-20 minutes. If you leave the food out all the time it’s hard to know when your dog will go to the bathroom, and also your dog thinks food is a free resource. It is better for them to “work” for their food. So, have your pup sit for the food before you feed him. Also feel free to hand feed the first amount so they know that good things come from you and that hands in a food dish is a good thing.
Book Vet Visit:
1. Welcome visit - Meet your vet, review the health records, and have a general pup check over to make sure everything is as it should be. You will want to do this within the first week of having your pup. Book a follow up appointment for 2nd booster and 3rd booster.
2. Boosters - Your puppy will have had its first vet check up with our personal vet. She will have given them a thorough check up and their first booster. You will need to book a 2nd booster about 4 weeks following the first booster and a 3rd booster 4 weeks after the 2nd one. They will also get their Rabies vaccine at their 3rd booster checkup.
3. Deworming - We have started the pups with several deworming treatments. You will want to book a “welcome visit” with your vet within the first week of bringing your pup home. They can review the deworming schedule and get you set up for following treatment.
Traveling Home:
1.Towel: You might want to bring a towel or old blanket as well in case they throw up on the ride home. They have never been in a vehicle before and pups can get motion sickness the first few times.
2. Helper: You can bring someone along to hold the pup in the front seat, so they have less motion sickness and can have a better view. Also depending on the time of year, you can put some cool air towards them to make it fresher for them. It is not uncommon for pups to have motion sickness the first few times they go for a ride. Drive smooth and easy and that will help.
If you have a long drive, bring a water bottle and bowl for them to take a drink if you plan on stopping for a break.
Hopefully this will give you all a great start. Have fun puppy supply shopping and learning. Remember that what you put into your pup is what he or she becomes. When people say what a lovely dog you have, know that you deserve that compliment! Thanks again!